Happy New Year! :D

Happy Monday and Happy New Year!
Not that it makes a difference that it’s Monday. It a day like any other day. Except that today it’s the second day in a new year for me! People think that since January 1 is the start of the year, that’s when they celebrate and make their resolutions and plans but it’s actually only the start of a new year for a fraction of the number of people who celebrate it.

You see, it’s the day of your birth that is the day you start your new year. Your birthday is your New Year’s Day. Mine was yesterday. It’s really on your birthday that you are beginning another year in your life. Not on January 1st, unless that happens to be your birthday of course. It’s on the day of birth that you started life in this world (not necessarily ‘living’ since you’re already 9 months or so along by then) and it’s from that day on that you’ve been counting out the years. Your birthday is your New Years Day.

So, what am I going to do with my “new year”, you ask? Ah, a very good question! Yes… a verrrrry good question indeeeeeeed. ( Translation: “I have no idea but I’ll make something up fast so I don’t sound stupid and unprepared”) In all truth, I do have some goals made that I honestly intend to accomplish:
– I will finish the third round of revision on my first novel so I can resubmit queries again
– I will finish writing the first draft of my second novel so I can begin to do revision on it
– I will learn to play the ukulele
– I will write and publish on Kindle at least one series of short stories
– I will compile my poetry into a book and get it printed for distribution to family and friends who are bugging me for it
– I will conquer the weeds in at least ONE garden bed
– I will lose 10 pounds and keep it off
– I will spend at least five minutes of every waking hour stretching, moving, looking/going outside, breathing, or in some other way clearing my mind and being away from the computer
– I will sing more often
– I will tell myself I love myself at least once every day

These may not seem to be big goals to some people, to others they may seem like huge goals, to me some of them seem quite daunting and I’m slightly intimidated by them, some of them might seem silly or small to most people but even those to me are substantial with my daily struggles. Not everyone comes from the same place. Not everyone starts with the same strength or the same motivation. For me, these goals are ambitious, to say the least, challenging, and I know once I cross them off I will have a great sense of accomplishment in having achieved them, even if in someone else’s eyes they aren’t a big deal. These are my goals. Mine. And this is my New Year. Wish me luck.

PS: New poetry pages today are “Break the Hourglass”, “Over Sober” and “Denial”

Well, here goes.

Hello and welcome to my first actual “blog” entry on this site.
If you’re visiting this WordPress site for the first time and this is the first thing you’re reading, may I gently suggest you read my About page before you continue. If you are coming here from a link on a Twitter account, then you’ve probably already discovered my Poetry and so I’ll assume you already have some idea of who I am, what I am and how I am.

This being my first blog and all, I guess I should say thank you for having enough interest (or curiosity, or both) to venture to this page. I don’t know what you’ll find here from day to day. It’s going to be a bit of a surprise, for me as much as for you. Kind of like an adventure. And I’ll share it with you as I go. We’ll have an adventure together as the weeks, months and years progress! Oooh.. doesn’t that sound exciting? 😀

So today is the middle of July, coming up to my birthday (better known as “That Date Which Shall Not Be Mentioned”), it’s cold out, unseasonably so, and my roses are only just now starting to bloom. I’m feeling a bit down and frustrated about that, and about the fact that only half of my rambling garden bed has gotten weeded so far this summer, mainly because I’ve been feeling too headachy and icky to get out there and finish the job. I have mixed feelings about the weeds – some days I look out at them and think “at least there’s lots of things growing in my garden”, and then other days I think “if I get them pulled out it would look so neat after I put mulch down”. Such a struggle. *sigh*

Of course the ultimate goal for the gardens is to have no weeds and mulch around the permanent resident plants only. It might get that way by 2018… maybe. I won’t worry over it too much… I hope.

In other areas of the day, I did manage to clear my head enough to write a bit, so the latest editions to the poetry pages are “Storyteller”, “Skybird”, and “Lifetimes Together”, with thanks to @AshBaghet for his inspirational prompt that helped pen the final one.

And in the battle against depression today, I lost a bit of ground when I realized that it wasn’t Thursday but was in fact actually Friday only after 6pm when it was too late to do anything about the doctor’s appointment that I had at 1pm. The resultant self-recrimination and argument with my dear hubby (who in his own right had had a bad day after the mower broke down, which it took him nearly two hours to fix and caused him to loose two hours of groundskeeping work for his customers) over my lack of priority management led into a lovely row. Needless to say I felt like dirt and gave in to a wee bit of self-punishment. I recognize the weakness in giving in to the depression and feeding it and I know I don’t deserve to be treated that way, especially not by myself. I have allowed a good cry to clear my head and now am going to treat myself to game time on the pc after I finish this blog, along with a bowl of popcorn and then cuddle time with the cats before bed (hubby has since gone to be early so I get quiet time to myself). Every day there are ups and downs. Some days are better than others and I am hopeful that I’ll be able to get to a point when there will be more ‘better’ days. Keep fighting.

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” – Thomas Edison